Kali ini aku akan memberikan spot bot yang aman buat kalian
Nama monster yang tertera adalah nama di perfect world international., tapi koordinatnya sama kok dengan yang ada di Perfect world Indonesia
[NON-ARGGOs] - Non Aggressive Monsters
Mob: Lv 21 [Lake of Sky] (460 608) (Safe)
Mob: Lv 27 [Near Temple Orchid] (575 771) (Safe)
Mob: Lv 31 [N-E Mirror Lake Residence] (473 597) HexWolven Sharpshooter (Safe)
Mob: Lv 31 [N/a] (475 583) (Safe)
Mob: Lv 33 [North Orchis Scene Vally] (591 547) TigerStripe Araneidd(Safe)
Mob: Lv 35 [Orchis Scene Vally] (586 574) Killer Pismire's (Safe)
Mob: Lv 35 [Orchis Seren Village] (586 559) (Safe)
Mob: Lv 40 [South City of Vanished] (241 617) Cloudthrust Vipent Form (In the Air) (Safe)
Mod: Lv 50 [Just above bamboo village] (365 359) Nigonrator SoarVpent Safe
Mob: Lv 60 [City of Vanished] (253 677) ExtremityTerra EidoFoxie (Safe) (at other places, they are arggo)
[ARGGOs] - Aggressive Monsters
Mob: Lv 34 [Orchis Sentry Vally East] (587 522) Scarletnob NA
Mob: Lv 40 [Shining Tide Woods] (624 818) EtherTransverse Pterodactyl(In The Air) NA
Mob: Lv 42 [Mount Burhan] (385 802) Stargazer Wild Wolven NA
Mob: Lv 44 [SW of Gutter of Sky] (300 903) Hetemorph Diplopod NA
Mob: Lv 44 [Camp of Sumor] (305 857) Hetemorph Maneating Floacus NA
Mob: LV 52 [SE Ancient King Hill] (420 420) BarBarian Beserker (NA)
Mob: LV 63 [Ridge of Dreaming Cloud] (570 299) BlackThorn Assassin Tiger (NA)
Mob: Lv 72 [Outside of Lost Village] (642 484) (N/A)
Sekian untuk para botters...
Untuk level 80-90 masih aku rahasiakan ...he3
tq gan infonya
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